Get in touch.

Talks (virtual or in person)
Impossible Project Introduction

90 minutes talk and Q & A.

Includes the origin story of the project, project theoretical foundations, project as critical and radical pedagogy, project in practice with examples, assessment, Q&A.

Workshops (virtual or in person)

Course Project Workshop


Review of participants’ teaching goals, practices, and experiences.

Presentation of Impossible Project as praxis.

Creation of unique Impossible Project outline.

Creation of project assessments.

Taking the work out of the classroom (discussion and models).

Optional: Follow-up conversation/coaching.

Course Link Workshop

For faculty teams interested in creating an Impossible Project that links courses within and across disciplines, or between courses and centers/institutes.


Review of faculty’s reasons for linking their classes, their teaching experience and goals.

Group discussion of collaborative and cross-disciplinary teaching: challenges and opportunities.

Co-creation of Impossible Project to be experienced across learning spaces.

Creation of project assessments.

Taking the work out of the classroom (discussion and models).

Optional- follow-up conversation/coaching.